The Literacy Teachers Life Podcast: Getting Ready to Interview for a Teaching Job?Tips for the Interview Process

It’s the time of the year when schools and districts are interviewing teachers for positions for the upcoming school year. Interviewing is a skill and requires some practice and preparation before going in to meet with a committee. For this episode, I put together some tips to consider before interviewing for a position. These include:

  • Updating your resume and cover letter

  • Dressing professionally

  • Being prepared by having extra copies of your resume and cover letter for the committee

  • Being mindful of your language when answering questions

  • Don’t be a robot! Have some of your personality shine through during the interview

  • What’s Your Story? Be prepared to answer the question about who you are and why you want to be a teacher

  • Give examples when responding to questions to help show how you have navigated different circumstances

I also share some other tips to consider when interviewing, such as keeping your relationship information out of the interview and remember to practice answering questions before going in for the real thing! To help you practice, I include some sample questions that can help you prepare for your interview.

I hope this episode is helpful as you prepare for the interview process, and I do hope you will listen. Remember, you can follow along on Instagram @theliteracyteacherslife.


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