Partner Reading for the Win!

12 to 22 by Jen Calonita - my copy and my daughter’s copy and our discussion questions for after we finished the book.

I have two daughters who are in elementary school. Both of my girls can read on their own, but I still read with them most nights. When I read with them, I read books that they will like and be interested in reading.

Right now, my older daughter, who is 9 and in fourth grade is really interested in middle grade books. We have read three middle grade books together since the summer. We just finished reading 12 to 22 by Jen Calonita, which is about a 12 year-old middle schooler, Harper, who is had a tough realization at a birthday party and after a TikTok incident, woke up as a 22 year-old with a job and a different life.

My daughter loved reading the book - she loved the content, but she loved it because I was able to explain different parts that were a little more complicated to her as we were reading it together.

I’m often asked how I read with my older kids (who can read on their own). My answer is it depends! When I read this book, we each had our own copies of the book - she had her copy and I had my copy so when I was reading it aloud, she was able to follow along. This really helped her because she would stop me and ask questions about words or content when she was confused. I did the majority of the reading aloud to her. But, there were times when I would ask her to read to me. This is a great example of partner reading - reading with another person. And, it is effective because it is more social and kids can read with someone else rather than doing all of the work on their own.

I have been hearing from many parents that their kids are not that interested in reading - especially parents of upper elementary and middle school aged children. Based on my work with kids this semester, I think a lot of the push-back comes from kids not wanting to do this work on their own. Once kids learn to read, they are pushed to read on their own. It becomes less social and fun and viewed more as, well, work.

Reading with someone else can add in some of the social element. Some of my students are doing this with the kids they are working with in the Literacy Clinic this semester. They are having the kids read together in pairs. After a few weeks of this, they are seeing more behavior like I saw when partner reading with my daughter - the kids are talking about their ideas from reading. They are more excited to share what they like or don’t like or their connections with each other. It becomes more enjoyable.

I think it is something to think about as we are reading with kids. How can be have them read with others - so there’s more enjoyment and conversation around reading.


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