LTL Episode 32: Reflecting on Our Literacy Teaching

It’s hard to believe that it’s the end of 2023! I do not do my yearly planning for a January start. Instead, I plan my years on the academic calendar – beginning in September. I do find this time of the year to be a great time for reflection though. This episode is all about reflecting on your literacy teaching and setting an actionable plan to make small changes to your teaching to support your students.

In this episode, I walk through a guided reflection focusing aimed at literacy instruction. I identified the following areas: Reading Instruction, Books, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. For each of these areas, I pose questions to consider. At the end, I suggest identifying 1-3 things that you want to modify or tweak for the new year. It’s not necessary to overhaul everything – just making a few changes can often help a lot.

I did this activity with both of my classes this semester and I was amazed to hear what they were planning on changing – and everyone felt it was doable! I hope this guided reflection is helpful for you as you head into 2024!

Thank you all for listening. Please give this episode a listen. I hope you all have a very happy and healthy start to 2024!


Spring 2024 Semester Goals


LTL Episode 31: Talking About Graphic Novels with Author and Illustrator Stephen Shaskan