Getting Kids to Read During the Holiday Season

So many fun holiday books at a local book fair!

The holidays are quickly approaching! In my latest podcast episode, I have three tips to help you get kids reading both in the classroom and at home, and I’ll also share some bonus suggestions along the way. In today’s digital age where children can get so easily distracted, it’s even more important to be able to instill in them the habit and discipline of reading.

Reading in the Classroom

My first suggestion for teachers is to make kids aware of books and authors they may be interested in. Beyond letting them know that a particular book exists and why you think they would like it, read the first few chapters with them, and discuss it until they themselves grow interested in it.  

The second thing you can do is share details about the author. This gives students additional excitement for the book, and as they read, they get to identify details in the book that the author might have taken from personal experience.

My last suggestion that you may want to try out in the classroom is to give the students the opportunity to talk to each other about the book they love and why they do. And let’s be honest, students are sometimes more likely to take recommendations from their peers than from a teacher.

Reading at Home

This is something I’ve done with my daughters for each holiday, and it has built their excitement for reading and the holiday we’re celebrating. Find books that are specific to a holiday and bring them out before the holiday starts. Add a few different titles each year, then after the holiday put them away, not to be seen until next year. This builds excitement around the books since kids don’t see them all the time and adds a special element to each holiday.

Another thing you can do as parents is to cook with the kids. This could be helpful for kids who don’t like to read. Have them help you with cooking and have them read off the cookbook or recipe. If they enjoy helping you in the kitchen and reading is a part of that experience, it reinforces the idea that reading is fun and enjoyable.

Read a book series over an extended period of time. Book series allows kids to stay with characters longer over new plots and storylines and it builds their reading stamina. Having it as a series also creates excitement since they know that there’s more to the story.

I hope that you find these suggestions helpful and that you and your kids will have an amazing time reading this holiday season. Here is the link to this podcast episode. Please give it a listen and I hope you enjoy it!


A Conversation with Dr. Julia Lindsey


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